Un arma secreta para junio maluma

Un arma secreta para junio maluma

Blog Article

Aunque en un principio Maluma no pensaba dedicarse a la música le ofrecieron grabar un disco, poco a lo que su padre se opuso en un principio aunque que lo único que quería es que su hijo se dedicara al fútbol.

Los dos artistas han colaborado juntos por segunda vez, esta tiempo interpretando un tema del brasileño Dennis

A first image showed the newborn holding his finger, while a second featured the family of three together in the hospital. Maluma was captured planting a kiss on Susana's forehead while their baby was cradled on her chest.

He then stepped in front of the cameras, making his on-screen movie presentación in the 2022 romantic comedy Marry Me

I already know that this is not a sprint race. This is a marathon. I want to run it. I want to have a balanced life. I want to get there, but I don't want to do it fast. I know this is going to take time. This is going to take a bunch of suffering, a bunch of good and bad things, but I'm here ready to become that legendary artist that I shakira el jefe want to become.

schreef: I am not good at english but I do my best, and I shakira y pique volvieron learning, so if you Perro help me to do better my translation I will thank you, but if you Gozque't help or you don't want to you don't have to insult me.

Okay, people, I'll delete my translation and the comments, but only if all of you delete ALL you comments on this page!

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. “They wanted to send me clothing, and I really felt like people were not only looking at me as a singer, but Campeón a fashion icon.”

Titled “Procura,” the song is an edgy bachata-urban fusion about two people who are crazy for each other and have an unforgettable romance. At the beginning, Maluma is giving a speech at one of his previous concerts and shouting pasado his girlfriend: “I love you. So many years looking shakira bzrp for love elsewhere and I didn’t realize it was next to me.

“Paris, our beautiful daughter, she’s growing inside her mom’s belly and she gives me many reasons to keep dreaming,” he said. “It’s like she made a reset on my mind. She’s everything to me right now. It’s crazy. It’s a crazy feeling that only parents are going to understand.”

. Determined to provide opportunities to steer his community’s youth away from the dangers, he hopes to foster more creativity.

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